ETH Zurich Future Maker - Dr. Noé Brasier
Will sweat sensors become our everyday companions? Dr. Noé Brasier - ETH Researcher in the recent issue of ETH stories from around the Globe, becoming ETH Ambassador.

The research work of our MedLab Fellow Dr Noé Brasier is deservedly attracting more and more attention.
His work is currently being honoured in a short portrait by ETH Foresight employee Katarina Bertschi among the ETH Ambassadors.
Read more in the following article here
On 13 and 14 November, Dr Noé Brasier will also co-host, together with Prof Dr Jörg Goldhahn, a guest lecture as well as a symposium regarding this future-oriented topic: The Next-generation Digital Biomarkers Summit
Guest Lecture Prof Dr John A. Rogers read more (13 November)
Please find more information on registration and programme of the symposium here (14 November)