Media & Events
AI for IMPACTS Framework for Evaluating the Long-Term Real-World Impacts of AI-Powered Clinician Tools

A systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis, co-authored by Dr. med. Noé Brasier
New in Nature: Dr. Noé Brasier on applied body-fluid analysis by wearable devices.

Wearable devices enable constant and holistic health monitoring and analysis of physiological data in healthcare: How novel sensors analyse body fluids.
The Next-generation Digital Biomarkers Summit

The future of wearables presented in an impressively compact way in one day – the Next-Generation Digital Biomarkers Summit was an insightful success
ETH Zurich Future Maker - Dr. Noé Brasier

Will sweat sensors become our everyday companions? Dr. Noé Brasier - ETH Researcher in the recent issue of ETH stories from around the Globe, becoming ETH Ambassador.
First Medicine @ETH Day - focus on networking

On 4 September 2024, almost 400 participants gathered for the first Medicine @ETH Day. This event marked a milestone in ETH Zurich's strategic focus on medical and health research. Experts from various disciplines came together to promote collaboration and discuss the future of medical research.